Box art
Dr. Hugh Hicks
Fort Myers, FL.
Monsieur Ara
Fin Stewart
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web site news |
A new page with some information about The Schuyler Electric Light Company has been added. If you have additional material to share, photos of Schuyler incandescent lamps or other items, please consider contacting me to add them to this page. Full credit will be given for your contribution.
BulbCollector.com turns 20 years old this year! I've upgraded the server so it should be good for another 20 years 
This was a major undertaking migrating all the data to new hardware, upgrading the forum, the databases, the OS, etc. There are bound to be bugs with this transition. Please report them here if you're having any issues using this website.
Thanks for visiting the site!
New informational pages activated for the following early manufacturers:
Akester Beacon B?hm Crookes Gatehouse Loomis Lynn Novak
As always, I will add more info to these pages as I come across things. If you have information or pictures to add, please contact me.
past news..
Adam Allerhand electric lighting book now available from Bez Bujda Press |
Bez Bujda Press was created for the purpose of publishing "Illustrated History of Electric Lighting" by Adam Allerhand. The book is self-published, printed at Colorwise Commercial Printing in Roswell, GA, available on Amazon or directly from the author. Heavily illustrated, full color, large format (8½ x 11), heavy satin paper, over 500 pages, weighs about 5½ lb.
Adam Allerhand, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, began working on his book in 2008. The book was released on September 21, 2016. Please click here for more information.

most recent discussions |
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Prohibition Era Speakeasy Light Buld
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Nernst Lamp for sale
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Seeking E10 220v-240v Bulb for 1920 Art Deco Statue Restoration - "Croze" brand
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Ken Rad (Kentucky Radio) branded lamps + Datecodes
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Please Help to ID signage striplight
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pic of the month |
february |

GE carbon filament lamp, formally of
the Charles Proteus Steinmetz collection,
prominent GE electrical engineer.
early lamp manufacturers & personage
updated 4.9.2016
These informal pages contain history culled from various early electrical journals and early books describing incandescent lamp technology. No attempt will be made to rewrite history. These pages are simply placeholders used to store information specific to the manufacturers below as I discover it.
Please contact me if you have material to add and share.
Links will become active as content is added to each page:
vintage literature online!
mather electric book
12.10.2006 |
Mather Electric Company, Direct Current Incandescent Lighting: Published during the late 1800s, this hard cover book describes in detail the Mather incandescent electric lighting system. It is profusely illustrated and provides a rare and interesting glimpse into the early days of of electric lighting and power generation.