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X-ray Geissler Crookes Radio Box art
Dr. Hugh Hicks Fort Myers, FL. S.Slabyhoudek
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I do realize the dangers of running a metal halide lamp in an unenclosed fixture...
Most of the tube was covered in the halide salts (I operated base up yesterday, today I ran it base down), so I couldn’t see much.
I do know that the ballast is compatible with the lamp.? It was designed specifically to run a 1000W metal halide lamp.?
? As for the salts, I ran the lamp base up the night before, allowing the salts to condense in the top of the arc tube (it was the bottom at that time).? The day I took the pictures the lamp was operating in a base down position, so there was a migration of the halide salts.? During that time the entire tube was covered with the salts.