I'm looking for early Noma C-6 (series-wired) "biscuit" style bubble lights with the glass slug in the liquid vial. I'm after vintage original Noma lights with the following colors of liquid: lime green, purple/lavender, light blue/turquoise. I've seen some with dark green liquid too but these may have had the vials replaced with another brand; not sure if Noma made this color.
Also, there were some uncommon colors to plastic "biscuit" base halves including: pink, gray, beige, white. Possibly others. At least some of these were reproduced/counterfeited recently; only vintage originals are wanted. Bubble lights offered need only have *at least one* element of unusual color (liquid, base top, or base bottom) not necessarily all three! Lights also do not need to be working, but visible plastic and glass parts must be undamaged. Thanks!