It appears that everything that you found came from a site that used the Brush Swan base and socket, which is one of the more scarce base and socket styles.
Bulbs 1,3,4 and 5 are all later, c 1900 examples of a very common bulb form but with a scarce base.
bulb 2 is a Shelby brand bulb with a Brush Swan base, which is a very nice find as Shelby bulbs have a good following.
Along with bulb 5 is an original Brush Swan socket, another great find.
While I dont need any Brush Swan sockets or bulbs to fill any spots in my collection, others will like to purchase these and you should do well with them.
I would value bulb 2 at $400-500, the socket with bulb 5 at $400-500, and the rest of the bulbs (except the damaged based one) at $200-300.
I know a few collectors who would be interested in these, feel free to contact me at and I can connect you directly with them. The market is kind of weak on ebay for the past 5-6 months, but that is another avenue, but I think by the time you deal with the weak market, and then ebay/paypal fee's, you may do better with direct buyers who are fair and serious collectors.