Thanks, glad you like it!
I know that video well, it is the 2004 display from a fellow called Carson Williams in Mason Ohio, and is rather well known, it`s strange how that video has spread so fast and so far this year. It`s real (some people reckon it`s faked from stills, etc), and if you see and in particular, browse through the messages in the oddly titled "Chat Room" (it`s actually not a chat room, but rather message board) you`ll see many others of a similar idea from many people over the US and worldwide. Some folk have been computerising their light shows for years but thanks to commercially available products, and no doubt the overwhelming success of that video, it`s getting more and more popular. I`m tempted myself, but for logistical reasons I can`t do anything like that sort of scale while I`m still here.
Still, looks fantastic and that Trans Siberian Orchestra soundtrack is just perfect, infact there are a couple of other PC members who`ve used that particular song for their own shows too.