Please excuse my advertising this here but I thought it may be of interest to some of the visitors here.
I`m not just a lights-collector, I`m an avid lights-displayer too (but I rarely if ever use lights from my collection in the display- especially old ones) and have been since 1992, though my first "big" one was in 1996- when I first took photos of them too. Over the last month or so, I`ve been working on building this site that features all my photos and a ton of details about my lights since them, and now it`s ready.
Find it all and more at... hope some of you find this of interest- again, please excuse my advertising it like this.
Tim- I hope it`s OK with you?

visit my world of electrical things that glow![This message has been edited by Chris Millinship (edited December 05, 2001).]