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Dr. Hugh Hicks
Fort Myers, FL.
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« Last post by ehovjack on February 02, 2022, 06:34:43 pm »
I am trying to identify an old Christmas tree globe. In the picture a C7 (White) is on the right, and the pink is what I am trying to find a replacement for, you can see it is has a smaller screw in fitting.
It has 15V on the brass fitting and Japan. Does it have a C? name or is it special?
Thanks, Eugene
How did I miss this? It sounds absolutely fascinating. I hope there is a spare copy available.
Message incoming....
« Last post by James on December 19, 2021, 08:01:23 am »
Dear all,
The first 100 copies of Ray’s book have now been printed. Since there are about as many requests from people within the UK, those will be sent out first.
In the new year there will be a second run to cover the international orders, I believe the quantity for those is maybe not yet fixed and they could be still waiting for a few extra interested parties to reply.
The final cost of printing was £35 per book, and the cost of postage within UK is £3. I believe I have sent an individual message to each of you within UK providing his payment details, but if you did not receive it please let me know.
« Last post by Paul Keane on December 01, 2021, 06:33:35 pm »
I am looking for 12 Philips warm white 30m long tubular bayonet 1960 bulbs. They were manufactured in Spain.
« Last post by James on November 24, 2021, 09:17:10 am »
A new book 'Rays of Light' is about to be published by Ray Tye, one of the premier collectors of early incandescent lamps. I have had the great pleasure of knowing Ray for over 25 years, and the chance to study his world-class collection on several occasions. His career as an archivist provided unique access to a wealth of vintage materials, and an impeccable research methodology which is demonstrated by his deep knowledge of the technical, commercial and personal aspects behind the development of early incandescent light sources.
Retirement has provided the opportunity to document his vast knowledge, distilled into a 504-page hardback tome accompanied by 300 photographs and 118 illustrations. I have always admired Ray's fearless attitude to light his lamps, and this photographic record promises to present these artefacts in a way few of us are likely to have ever seen. Interlaced with stories of competition of the incandescent lamp with gaslight and developments in arc lighting, this would be a superb introduction for anyone interested in the history of the electric light - as well as a professional reference work to aid other enthusiasts.
A limited print run will take place in the next few weeks, and the cost is likely to be around GB £30-35. Ray is not interested in making a profit from his life's work, but would like to see it reach a wide audience of fellow lighting enthusiasts. His printers will send directly to anyone around the world for the cost of the postage.
If you wish to acquire one of these remarkable books, please reply to this thread and/or send a message with your name/address and I will pass this on to Ray. Do not delay, he needs to know ASAP what quantity to order at the printers!
« Last post by jpm on November 19, 2021, 11:39:02 am »
Might anyone know . . .
What company was manufacturing the bulbs Marks and Spencer sold under its own name in the late 1930s and early ’40s?
« Last post by Yulelights76 on November 07, 2021, 11:01:54 am »
This is the smallest incandescent bulb from my collection. I don't know if it is the smallest ever made. It is a micro bulb used to back light the LCD display in a low budget wristwatch. The bulb measures 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) in diameter by 1/8 inch (3 mm) long. not including the wires. It dates to 1989. Watches from that era also used red 7 segment LED displays. The lamp draws 12 milliamps current at 1.5 volts, which works out to 18 milliwatts. I have grain of wheat bulbs, but this one is much smaller. Does anyone else have any bulbs like this or smaller?
« Last post by adam2 on October 09, 2021, 11:06:00 am »
New to me at any rate. A double ended metal halide lamp that contains TWO discharge bulbs, connected in series. Presumably intended for use with a series magnetic ballast on 380/400/415 volt circuits, or an electronic ballast. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/182544154056?_trksid=p2485497.m4902.l9144ebay link included, not by way of recommendation but show the type of product to which I refer.
« Last post by cmshapiro on July 30, 2021, 11:04:13 pm »
The first piece posted is not a light bulb, but a lightning arrestor. Marionhuff, is your piece the same or a different type? You can email me pics directly ( cmshapiro@me.com) if you can’t upload a pic here and I can probably help you ID whatever you have.
« Last post by Marionhuff on July 21, 2021, 08:20:12 pm »
I need help- I was told these may be really rare- how do I post a picture?
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