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Author Topic: Would like a carbon lamp to burn in an old socket  (Read 17596 times)

Offline Dylan

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Would like a carbon lamp to burn in an old socket
« on: February 05, 2011, 02:37:28 am »
Wow, it's been ages since I've looked at this forum! I'm originally a radio tube guy, but I recently took an interest to old light bulbs since I've found some interesting ones.

I recently picked up an old brass lamp stand with what I found to be a ~1909 Hubbell "50 C.P. 250V" pull chain socket on it, acorn and all. Until recently, I had a carbon-filament sign lamp that I found in a junk store burning in it as a night light by the bed. Unfortunately, after a rather stupid moment of experimentation involving a Tesla Coil, the fragile sign lamp filament is no more. I will not repeat that mistake. :-(

If somebody has a carbon filament lamp that isn't particularly valuable, I would be interested in obtaining one to burn in this socket as a night light. I have a modern reproduction "1890 style" single hairpin lamp in it right now, and while it is pretty, I don't get the same satisfaction as I do with staring at the glow from a real 100+-year-old filament. :( For the record, I installed a diode inside the lamp base so the old bulb was run at a 50% duty cycle rather than full power.

I see from the FAQ that common lamps from around 1900 go for about $10-20. That is about what I'd like to spend, not counting shipping, if anyone has a period-correct bulb that they wouldn't mind parting with.

I love the look of a single hairpin filament, but beggars can't be choosers. :) Please post if you have something I might like.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 02:40:22 am by Dylan »
-Dylan Windom

Offline Don M

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Re: Would like a carbon lamp to burn in an old socket
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 07:26:50 pm »
Hello Dylan ....

Could you send me a picture of the Hairping Carbon Lamp you are using -- if it's carbon, more than likely we made it (Kyp-Go, Inc).  Anyhow, I might be able to come up with something (single hairpin filament) from the past as we've made Carbon Filament bulbs for 50+ years.  If I read your post correctly, you want a dimmer hairpin bulb -- I can make one for you.  Please send a picture and any other questions/comments to me at   :-)


Offline nicholaskheinrich

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Re: Would like a carbon lamp to burn in an old socket
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 04:45:23 pm »
If you dont mind it being a reproduction bulb, there is a company called kyp-go, that makes carbon filament lamps. Here is their website ( Also, here are some other sites:  and
I'm not sure all of the lamps listed on these sites have carbon filaments, but all of the bulbs on the kyp-go website are. Hope this helps.
Nicholas K. Heinrich

Offline Don M

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Re: Would like a carbon lamp to burn in an old socket
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 05:21:19 pm »
Hello Nicholas --- and anyone else that might be reading this post.  FYI, with regard to the other links mentioned by Nicholas, there is "only one" remaining company that makes 'true' carbon filaments in the world and that is Kyp-Go ( -- and that would be me.  All carbon filaments that we make are hand-made in much the same way Edison made them years ago.  There are many e-commerce sites that sell "replica" turn-of-the-century bulbs that they CLAIM to be authentic replicas of the hairpin, coil type, or butterfly carbon filaments.  Only problem is they are "tungsten" and none of the "authentic" bulbs in those styles were made with tungsten.  All of those type replica bulbs have a Glass Support with as many as 24 wire supports to maintain the filament in a somewhat similar shape -- they look terrible and just don't provide the look of a true Edison Carbon Filament.  Kyp-Go Carbon Filament bulbs are used in Edison museums (for sale) as a true portrayal of his work.  8-)

Thanks for providing the info regarding Kyp-Go, I just wanted to point out the bulbs that are out there that are poor attempts at portraying Edison's Carbon Filaments.


Offline nicholaskheinrich

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Re: Would like a carbon lamp to burn in an old socket
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 02:23:05 pm »
Dylan, if you would like, I live very close to a three story, huge antique store and I go there frequently so I can keep an eye out for an old carbon lamp and if it is in your price range, I will send you pictures and if you like it, I will purchase and ship it to you. Attatched is a pic of the antique center, if you like antiques and are in the Bay City, MI area it is a worthy destination.
Nicholas K. Heinrich