Its interesting to note that one of the oldest methods of making "light" via a carbon filament is still alive and well in 2007. I'm not sure if those of your who frequent this site and have an interest in Carbon Filaments realize there exists only one manufacturer of 'true' carbon filaments -- Kyp-Go ( We are not aware of any other company world-wide that makes a 'true' carbon filament -- by hand and with quality. I've read a couple of articles lately, one in Martha Stewart Living magazine, that mentions the carbon filament as an "icon of the dawn of electricity" -- Oct 2007 editiion. I've also read articles on the web about upscale restaurants in NYC converting to the Carbon Filament to create a feeling of ambiance. I would not want to see the end of incandescent lighting -- the nostalgic feel, warm glow, and 'ambianc' can't be created with a CFL ....