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Author Topic: Non working website  (Read 25959 times)

Offline mr_big

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Non working website
« on: February 17, 2005, 03:57:41 pm »
I can't seem to get to work on my computer the pictures and everything show up but I can't get the links on the side to work
My computer has all the latest updates installed

Offline Tim

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 04:17:06 pm »
Same problem on my end, I don't think it's your computer.  The site looks like a new version compared to the last time I visited (a few weeks ago).  I suspect it's in the process of being updated.

Max, can you fill us in?

Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2005, 09:29:01 pm »
I'm certainly not Max, however I’m guessing he just hasn’t developed those parts of the site yet.  From what I can tell it is a flash site which is not as easy to make as HTML, so give him a little while to make it.

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2005, 04:29:40 am »
Hi All,

Philip is right; the reason why you cannot access all links is due to the fact that the site is not completely develloped yet.
I made my new site in Flash because I could not get what I wanted with HTML/Java, so it will take me some time to finish implementing all pages. I expect a delay of one to two months before every links work.
However, not all links are dead - among other links, you can already go to the historical section, the 'bookmark' and 'updates' pages via the links provided in the "additional Information" menu at right. The "updates" page will actually tell you what is already working.

Anyway, thanks for passing by, and I hope you will enjoy reading and browsing through the site.
Also, please let me know if you find some bugs or some things you think would be nice to improve.



Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2005, 07:30:18 pm »
Hi Max,

I really like what you are doing with the site!  It look very nice so far, keep up the good work.  I have a few questions for you.  First, what programs (besides flash) did you use to make your site?  Second, could you put a link to your old site just so we can see your collection while you're still building your new site?  Third, can I get a link in your links section?  My site -

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2005, 03:00:32 am »
Hello Philip,

Thank you for your comments!

Your site is my list of links since I have implemented this page, that is a week ago or so; you can find it in the "bookmark" section of the site (look in the "personnal collection" subcathegory). Could you please add a link toward my site in your web page?
As for the software I use to build my site, up to now I only employed Photoshop and, naturally, Flash MX. In the near furture I will feature some work done with SolidEdge (CAD, 3D rendering) and Matlab (spectral analysis of lamps).
Concerning my old pages of lamps, I have put them offline as I found the picture quite ugly and the selection of lamps quite insulting for a collection. I am sorry to say that you will have to wait a little bit longer to see a new selection of lamps - which will be of much better quality anyway.
I am now puting the finishing touches to a new chapter of the lamp history - a part that now deals with high-pressure sodium lamps. The update will be made tomorrow or the day after. Then I will work on the "gas discharge" section, and from this point I will soon feature some lamps.

Anyway, thanks for your comments and I am looking forward to see your site growing :)


Offline Tim

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2005, 06:24:44 am »
Hi Max,

As for the software I use to build my site, up to now I only employed Photoshop and, naturally, Flash MX. In the near furture I will feature some work done with SolidEdge (CAD, 3D rendering) and Matlab (spectral analysis of lamps).

In what capacity will you be employing SolidEdge for use on your site?? 3D modeling of lamps?? I’m a CAD guy myself and use SolidEdge on a daily basis.? It’s not a widely popular CAD package (here in the US anyway), so you have me curious now? :-)

Keep up the good work and be sure to keep us up to date on your progress.

Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2005, 08:15:09 am »
Hi Max,

Of course I will put a link to your site on my site.  I'll try and make the link tonight, it just depends on how much time I get.  I also use Photoshop CS for my site  :wink:.  I use Dreamewaver MX 2004 for the HTML and PHP work.  I will be adding more to my site after I get my new camera and hopefullly a Light Tent.  How did you learn Flash & Photoshop?  I taught myself almost everything I know about the computer, is that what you did?

Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2005, 08:12:37 pm »

Have you considered getting a real web host?? That geocities bar is HORRIBLE!? If you really want a free host I know of a web host that has NO ads of any kind. The address is or if you want I could provide you with sub-domain hosting....? I am working on your link as I type this post.? I will probably be done by the time you read this post.? Check it out here: I read about the history of arc lamps on your site.? It was very nice!? I look forward to seeing more of that.

I finished your link.? I also found that if you use this link to your site: you can close that evil bar.? Do you think you could add a page that shows all of the images that appear on the front page?? That way you do not have to continue refreshing endlessly to see all of them.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 09:04:12 pm by pSlawinski »

Offline Max

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2005, 03:22:58 am »
Hi All,

Quote from: tim
In what capacity will you be employing SolidEdge for use on your site??

Sort of ... I plan to use this software to make some cutaway views of opaque lamps having some valuable features, like a particular frame structure, some special electrodes or other things. At least, this will show some details that are not well (or not at all) rendered in a photograph.
Beside, I can get some nice renderings of historical lamps whose only records are in the form of drawings. Also, I find this quite valuable to draw some pictures in order to illustrate some physical phenomena, like color segregation in a metal halide arc or the arc spread in xenon lamps (see pictures), especially when we have no good way to photograph them.

Quote from: pSlawinski
Of course I will put a link to your site on my site.?

Thanks a lot for this!

Quote from: pSlawinski
How did you learn Flash & Photoshop?? I taught myself almost everything I know about the computer, is that what you did?

Yes, I only used the tutorials provided with the software and the many others available on the internet.

Quote from: pSlawinski
Have you considered getting a real web host?? That geocities bar is HORRIBLE.

Yes, I know, and I am effectively considering acquiring my own domain name. As for the ad from Geocities, I used to have a small java script that got rid of it. Unfortunately, they recently updated their ad applet, and I am now working on a new java script that should close this annoying bar automatically.

Quote from: pSlawinski
I also found that if you use this link to your site: you can close that evil bar.

I already tried this trick, but it does not work here on internet explorer.

Quote from: pSlawinski
Do you think you could add a page that shows all of the images that appear on the front page?  That way you do not have to continue refreshing endlessly to see all of them.

No, I won't because it would cancel the interest of these random pictures. I wanted to have some changing features on the front page, this way I could break the monotony as the viewer does not know what to expect each time he arrives on the site. In the near future I will increase the number of these images.

Anyway, thanks for your comments and support :).

« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 03:47:54 am by Max »

Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2005, 11:10:26 am »
Nice images, I also use a 3D modeling program.  The program I use is called Cinema4D.  I haven't used the program in a while because I have been busy making websites.  I did make a few lamps in C4D, but they were inaccurate, and I never finished them.

I see you want to keep your images random on the front page, but could you make it so that the same lamp will not be shown more than once without seeing all the other images first?  You could write a cookie on the user's computer listing the names of all the images they have seen.  Then when the pages loads have the script read the cookie created on the computer and check to make sure that the image displayed on the site is not one of the ones included in the cookie.  That process continues until the user has seen all the images.  After every image has been viewed the cookie is deleted and the process begins again. I don't know if that's even possible on Flash, I do not like to use Flash, and I generally try to avoid it!  This probably still goes against the whole idea of random images on your site, but I just though I would share my ideas with you.  Feel free to provide your input on my website.    :-D

Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2005, 02:12:14 am »

Offline Max

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2005, 07:32:06 am »

Nice images! I see that you had quite a lot of fun with the tank, but let's not divert from lamps. Your model of the HPS luminaire is very nice, especially because your program calculate the many reflections between the objects. Unfortunately, this is not the case with SolidEdge, and this makes the rendering of reflector lamps a bit tricky.

Concerning the three images on the front page, I could certainly use some cookies but I prefer to keep the site design as simple as possible so I have more file space for showing more lamps and writting more pages ...
Talking about the site, I finished the chapter on HPS lamps yesterday evening, and I put the update in the net just a few minutes ago. This has taken a little bit longer than expected as this section kept on growing.

As for your site, Philip, why does it take such a long time to display the pages some times? The reason is maybe that I use internet explorer, but keep in mind that this is also the case for the majority of internet users.
By the way, why you don't like Flash? What aspect of this program scares you away?

Best regards


Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2005, 08:10:24 am »
Thanks for you nice comments on my pictures.  Yes, I did have fun with that tank.  I put a few hundred hours of work into it.  There are still some parts of the tank that need to be done, but I do not think the project will ever be finished.  Perhaps you noticed the floating handles and hinges?

I’m glad you finished the section on HPS lamps, now I can continue reading :wink:  I will check that out later today.

The reason my images take a long time to display could be two things.  The first is image size, my images are not dial-up friendly images.  I do not believe in making pages dial-up friendly, sorry.   The other reason could be that some of the scripts are slowing down the loading of the pages. 

I will continue this post later, I need to leave now.

Offline pSlawinski

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Re: Non working website
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2005, 11:39:17 am »
My site is completely dynamic.  I wrote all the scripts in PHP to make it easier for me to update the site.  All I have to do to add a lamp is to create a folder with a description file, specs file, and the images.  I recently updated the site to make it load faster.  I have removed some of the parts that used to be scripted in order to improve load times.  Have you tried the site lately?  It should load much faster than before, and I have removed the entry page.

It’s funny you ask why I don’t like flash because the first website I ever made was a flash site.  Fortunately that page no longer exists, it was HORRIBLE!  Every flash site I have ever tried to make has been a failure.  Flash is also too time-consuming for my liking.  Flash is also not universally compatible.  Making a link in flash requires more work than creating a link in HTML.  I could go on with more reasons, but the main point is just that I am not good at flash, and it is too time-consuming.