Glad you like`em! Yeah, it is pretty high tech this year, yet has an almost traditional look too. Just following the lines of the house and foliage outside, that`s my preferred style.
How do I manage it all off-season? Well, a lot of it is new this year so I`ll cross that breidge when I come to it
The rest is coiled and boxed, and stored in cupboards in the World`s Smallest Workshop over by there. I have seen tips on the Net that suggest marking all the cords (write on masking tape at each end) so you know what goes where next year - I may do that, especially since many are custom made to reach where they`re going.
The biggest bother is the frames for the Light-Trees on the garage, and the two big cabinets that are on the wall housing some of the switchgear. I`m not sure where I`ll store those, I added a second cabinet and a fourth Tree that`s bigger than I`ve ever least I`ve got a month to think about it
Great suggestion about posting the photos - I`ll start another thread that should entice a few folks to post something. It`d be nice to see what our sleepy little community here gets up to, all round the world!
visit my world of electrical things that glow!