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Author Topic: Best source for replica antique lamps?  (Read 16244 times)

Offline CGANderson

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« on: May 28, 2001, 10:04:00 pm »
Hello All:

This is my first post here.  Though I am not really a light bulb collector (my passion is old flashbulbs) I have a love for anything that is round and made of glass!  Tim was kind enough to point me to a link on his bulbcollector site refering to antique replica Edison-style lamps.  I would like to find some to place in a ceiling fan.  Has anyone had any luck ordering these types of lamps from any of those companies, or can anyone recommend a good reputible dealer?


C. G. Anderson

Offline Chris W. Millinship

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2001, 05:48:00 am »
Welcome to the Boards!

Rejuvination Lamp and Fixture seems to be pretty good- their repro lamps (I have been lead to believe) are quite authentic too although being from the UK I have yet to be able to buy from any of these places- as they all seem reluctant to ship them overseas to me. I`ve had numerous 100-year old genuine ones come this way from over there just fine though so why not.....but anyway.

I would have to say say Don`t buy the cheap one from Grove Enterprises- you will be dissapointed. There is an old thread here I posted with a picture of one of those lamps on which I`ll go and find in a moment. They are not the tipped, wide-ish looped variety shown on their site. They are untipped and look the same shape as a normal A-17 lamp. The carbon filament loops are small and narrow. They look OK as they are and for the price it`s not bad but if you want it to look like the real thing try Rejuvination or maybe AAMSCO- they carry a similar line of bulbs too.

If anyone knows a place that sells these authentic replicas who will ship overseas please let me know- I want to get some too. Especially the larger carbon one with the U-shape filament.


[This message has been edited by Chris Millinship (edited May 29, 2001).]

Offline Chris W. Millinship

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2001, 06:22:00 am »
OK well that old picture I posted has mysteriously dissapeared and I can`t find a copy here so I took another one.

Grove`s "reproduction" on the left, a genuine 1905-ish carbon on the right....

You should be able to find better repros that are much closer in appearence to the genuine one.


Offline Bob Masters

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2001, 12:44:00 pm »
Hey Chris !
Thanks for the "side-by-side" comparison.
That's quite a remarkable difference in the two lamps. Based on what I see, the replica hardly deserves to be called "replica"
........not even a close copy.

Offline ALM

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2001, 01:38:00 pm »
Is the original on the right still a hand-blown bulb?  Assuming it is, I imagine that it is pretty tough to reproduce that without actually hand-blowing it, and then that would likely shoot a hole in the "keeping cost down" issue.

Perhaps the "repro" people thought it was enough to repro the inside of the bulb, and not the bulb itself?

Offline Chris W. Millinship

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2001, 03:07:00 pm »
I`m not entirely sure it is hand blown- many of that shape were blown into in moulds, but it is from a (presumably small) lamp company noone here has heard of- it`s a New Type Planet lamp- so maybe it is. Some people confuse the exhaust tip for a by product of hand blowing the glass but obviously that isn`t right- and I`m sure there were tipped lamps made by machinery.
Anyway it would be fairly easy to reproduce S-shape glass (that is what those shape lamps are referred to in the trade), even with an authentic exhaust-tip (or at least an imitation tip that looks real) using modern methods. The lamps made at Victory in the UK- those stocked by AAMSCO, etc, look just like the real thing so I`ve been told.

Offline Tim

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2001, 09:24:00 pm »

Given the price that average post 1900 carbon filament bulbs sell for, you may be happier in the end with original bulbs from this period since they tend to be inexpensive (comparable in price to good quality reproductions). If you take a little time and do some searching on eBay you shouldn't have much trouble locating some matching bulbs. Of course there's no guarantee how much life they will exhibit but they would be authentic. Just a thought anyway......

Chris - your picture vanished!

BTW, I've been asked via email if anyone is reproducing similar carbon filament bulbs in red glass? Has anyone heard of colored reproductions? I haven't......


Offline CGANderson

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2001, 09:33:00 pm »

Excellent idea!  And if powdered wisely, with a dimmer, I'd hink they'd last a while...  To everyone else, thanks for the great posting!  This is a fine board.  I'll be here for awhile.  Yegadz, another collecting habit?!?


Originally posted by tim:

Given the price that average post 1900 carbon filament bulbs sell for, you may be happier in the end with original bulbs from this period since they tend to be inexpensive (comparable in price to good quality reproductions). If you take a little time and do some searching on eBay you shouldn't have much trouble locating some matching bulbs. Of course there's no guarantee how much life they will exhibit but they would be authentic. Just a thought anyway......

Chris - your picture vanished!

BTW, I've been asked via email if anyone is reproducing similar carbon filament bulbs in red glass? Has anyone heard of colored reproductions? I haven't......

Offline Bob Masters

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2001, 12:46:00 pm »
I agree whole-heartedly !
Why settle for a reproduction when you can have the real thing ?

Offline Chris W. Millinship

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Best source for replica antique lamps?
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2001, 01:51:00 pm »
Chris - your picture vanished!

I didn`t do it!

I`ve noticed a similar thing here. Sometimes it wants to appear. Sometimes it doesn`t. I think Tripod are being a bit screwy right now. Click here....

...and you should see it open on a new page. COme back here and presto- there it is again in my post. At least that`s what it does here.

my banner sometimes won`t show either on another UBB board I visit...
