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Tube Discussion / Re: TUBE COLLECTORS
« Last post by NZ on January 08, 2020, 01:20:40 am »
Wow, that's a pretty bit of gear!
I collect tubes and light bulbs
With tubes I collect Audio and also very old "Pretty or interesting" tubes
Lights is fairly new for me as I hadn't really come across many, but I have a few Aerolux tyes, Geissler or Crookes tubes and some circa 1890's carbon filament types.
I'm looking for a night-light bulb, for an old antique night light discovered in a box.

Unlike a standard night light bulb ? C12 ? this bulb has a longer base than I seem to be able to locate.  A standard bulb has 3 turns/screws; and this bulb has 4 turns/screws.

The overall bulb is about 2 inches.
3/4 inch is the metal base
1 1/4 inch is the glass part.
In total, a 2 inch clear night light bulb, and I could use your help in finding one or two.

The markings on the base, clockwise are: CHINA  JM   120V5W

I've been working a year on the antique niight light.  The top part of the unit was removeable, but the bulb was sealed inside. Just as I was about to saw cut and split the top/bottom of the light, I inserted a blade, and the glued pieces separated.  Then the bulb was removed with effort, but it also had been glued into this night light.  Now I have access to the bulb, and I'm on this search.

Christmas Lighting / Re: 21-light 8v twinkle set
« Last post by randrperry on December 21, 2019, 04:45:58 pm »
I found 3 sets of these in the attic. They all work. I don't understand why there are 2 bulbs in the set with larger bulbs and sockets.
For Sale / Trade / Noma 8 socket set c. 1936
« Last post by grogblossom on December 19, 2019, 02:16:33 pm »
Long time browser, first time poster.

I found a Noma set a few weeks back, and stuck it on ebay thinking it was a 50s or 60s set, maybe worth something for the box and not much else. I'm back in the UK for Christmas and my father is raging because his big book of Christmas lights says it's a 1936 set and he thinks the bulbs are all original.  Does anyone know if these are actually worth anything? I'm only collecting figural bulbs, so just selling these to fund that obsession.

I guess my worry is that seeing as Noma are more collectable in the states, they'll go to a UK buyer who just wants the bulbs, and the box and cable will go to pot.

Not sharing an ebay link because I don't think that's kosher, but photo attached.
Antique Bulb Discussion / Help identifying a bulb
« Last post by tvanfosson on December 12, 2019, 12:35:38 pm »
A friend of mine has this old bulb in her house - built around 1901. I'm trying to help her identify it.  Anyone know what it might be or where I might look for more information?  There are no visible markings and she's reluctant to remove it for fear she might break it. It still works.

So, I'm not sure if anyone will see this thread since it's been over 10 years since it was last commented in, but I came across this exact RFI issue with Edison bulbs running at 110V mains. Basically, I was setting up my terminal and getting a strong buzz through my tonearm. After much trial and error, I isolated the problem to some Edison bulbs.

I'm going to include some links to videos I took.

This video shows the hum mostly disappearing when I turn off the squirrel cage Edison bulbs:

This video shows the hum amplified when I touch the light fixture in which the bulbs are installed:

Here's a video I took where I place some aluminum foil over the tonearm. When the foil touches the large aluminum platter, it appears to help act as an RFI sink and reduces the amount of RFI in the tonearm

Here are a few other videos of experiments to try and figure out what was causing the RFI:

If these links those work, I'll see if I can upload them elsewhere. Unfortunately. *.mov files can't be uploaded here.

In the spirit of contributing to the knowledge here, the bulbs have no markings on them except 120V/60W etched in the brass bass. They are most likely brand new bulbs bought by the homeowner (I rent) and the have a filament that zig zags 12 times (there is a six-pronged filament support at the end of the bulb). This is the most similar one I could find online:

I don't know if there is any gas in them or if they are a vacuum, but I would guess that these have a vacuum as they are cheap modern reproductions.

If anyone wants to do any experimentation here let me know. If anyone knows if there is a way to solve the RFI without replacing the bulbs let me know. If the only option is to replace the bulbs, what kinds of bulbs maintain the same look and feel but don't have an RFI problem. If I need to replace them, I'm happy to send them to anyone who might want one. I have 5.
« Last post by vintagehobby on November 21, 2019, 03:12:02 pm »
I'm new to this subject and new to this board but my Grandfather gave me a vintage lamp and I want to complete the lamp with a real antique bulb.  I wanted to see if this bulb is in fact authentic and not a reproduction.  Thanks in advance.

Antique Bulb Discussion / Bermac Bulb?
« Last post by Red90 on November 20, 2019, 11:41:39 am »
I found this light.  Does anyone know what it might be?  The closest I see in the gallery is Bermac (with a different base).  There are no markings that I can see.
General Discussion / Greetings to All
« Last post by Dennisen on October 24, 2019, 01:44:05 am »
Just a quick self-intro. The name’s Dennis. Originally from the LA area but now calling Tokyo home.

The reason why I’m here is that I’m assembling a small museum of the prehistoric, ancient, innovative and artistic, called the Oolkay Museum. I’d like to include an early Edison bulb as an exhibit, and with some regret, need a hand with direction and acquisition. I’m still ‘in the dark’ regarding pricing, condition, availability, reliable sources, and a good starting point, whether a book, a site (this looks like the place!), or an individual. I still need to explore this site to get a better grasp on the topic.

By the way, has anyone seen any Edison bulbs that were used to light the Columbia, and subsequently removed in 1895?

Thanks to all who found the time to read my swill. The very best to you all.

Wanted to Buy / Emerson Candalite wanted dead or Alive
« Last post by Littbubb on October 22, 2019, 06:26:01 pm »
I collect Frankart lamps and have a l206 and need a Emerson candalite bulb.
Any feedback or direction would be greatly appreciated
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