BulbCollector Forums
BULB DISCUSSION BOARDS => Christmas Lighting => Topic started by: Ralph Provencal on November 09, 2002, 01:16:00 am
Have several vintage C-6 minature base bulbs with damage bases or burnt-out filaments. Was told some years ago that there was a place in Portland Oregon (USA) that could repair them, but have never been able to locate them. My source was a vendor at a seasonal flea-market who did not know the name of the business.
Any help would be appreciated!!
I found the bulbs i was looking for so i thought i might let othes know if they needed lamps to relamp a miniture base(c-6)figural bulbs. I found meter lamps in voltages of 12,8 and 6.3 volts@250ma and they fit right into the bulb with a litle work. I have paired a 12v lamp and a 6v lamp along with a 12v with a 8v lamp to prolong the replacement lamps life and they work perfectly in a vintage string. The web site is
http://www.vintage-electronics.cc/lamp.html (http://www.vintage-electronics.cc/lamp.html)
and just look under parts.
there are some simple repair instructins on the old christmas lights web site on ow to relamp and/or replace the base but the web site is down right now.
Jonathan Cassiday
[This message has been edited by jonathan cassiday (edited October 27, 2004).]
Until just recently I thought all Christmas lights 'of the past' were basic bulbs. I have since visited many wonderful websites and and I am amazed by all the variety!
I am hooked and I fear for my small number of working lights -- various Kristal Stars and some figurals.
I've tried additional web searches for information or an idiot's guide to relamping c-6's. I see that other Christmas websites mention the process but I can only imagine that the webiste mentioned (oldchristmaslights.com?) is what I would need for successful start to relamp work.
Any other suggestions for websites or books that would help? I don't suppose someone else would consider putting this on their website?
Thanks again! Wonderful website! Hooray!