BulbCollector Forums

BULB BANTER => General Discussion => Topic started by: Yoshi on August 13, 2003, 03:39:00 am

Title: Thomas A. Edison in Jimmy Neutron episode
Post by: Yoshi on August 13, 2003, 03:39:00 am
I thought this was funny, and I wanted to share it with you all:

A few days ago my little brother was watching Jimmy Neutron on Nickelodeon. Unfortunately I was not present to see the episode. This is the episode as told by my brother: There was this girl called Cindy who was explaining something to the class. Jimmy Neutron quickly noticed a mistake and corrected her. She asked him to prove it. So Jimmy went to the past with his time machine to Nela Park (or Menlo Park, I dunno), to bring Edison so that he could help him correct Cindy. When Edison arrived to the present, he wondered "where am I?" then he saw an incandescent lightbulb and immediately said "hey, where did you get that from? That's counterfeit!" (LOL!) And Edison fell in love with the teacher later on, etc. etc.. Oh and then, machines started disappearing because Jimmy had erased Edison from history by bringing him to the present! But Edison didn't want to go back because he liked our present... So Jimmy had to make a plan to send Edison to the past, and he eventually did.

It sounds very funny! It suggests that if Edison were still alive, he would still have a strict control over his patents. I think of Edison a little bit more of a good businessman than an inventor, although I'd still would have liked a lot to meet him. ? (http://www.bulbcollector.com/ubb/biggrin.gif)

Have any of you seen this episode by chance? Do any of you have kids who watch Nickelodeon?


[This message has been edited by Yoshi (edited August 13, 2003).]
Title: Re: Thomas A. Edison in Jimmy Neutron episode
Post by: mr_big on February 07, 2005, 04:02:25 pm
I have seen this before