Twinkling lights sets with transformer boxes

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Hi All,

I am fascinated by "Twinkle Lite" or "Twinkle Light" sets with transformer boxes.  I recently bought a set made by Timco. The quality of the lights and the random-ness of the "twinkling" are wonderful.  

I'm curious to learn more about these.  When were they made? Why the need for the large transformer box? And what are the bulbs called that these sets use and are they  still manufactured (somehow I doubt it)? Any info would be much appreciated.  

Happy Holidays!


William Oelker:
Hi Linda. The light set you have was probably made in the mid 50"s. The transformer is necesary because the light bulbs require between 6 and 8 volts. The lights were sold under other brand names also. The light bulbs are commonly reffered to a C6 lights which is in-correct. They are wired in parallel and they are minature based lights. The sockets appear to be the same as the series string sets from that and earlier era's but there is a major difference in the wiring on the sockets. I don't know the trade name on the bulbs. There is a web site that displays bulbs. I will see if that site has info the bulbs and if so I will send the link latter.   I am not an expert on these sets, I hope this info helps. Bill

William Oelker:
Linda, Here is the web site that has some info on Transformers set. Gary has them listed in the minature 6-8 Volt catergory. Also these were very high quality and safe sets. They were very easy to find the burn-out bulb. Bill

Thanks a lot, Bill!  Very helpful.

Hopefully I can get my hands on some replacement bulbs.  They are so cool!


There were also sets made similar to the transfomer sets that had no transformer and were series wired with a ballast lamp on the end...the lamps had shunts that would connect when a lamp burned out and the ballast lamp would start to light brighter as each lamp burned out. This saved the rest of the bulbs from burning out from the increase in voltage...it is very easy to mix these replacement lamps with the transformer ones...happy hunting!


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