BULB BANTER > General Discussion
Tim, I think your page counter broke....
Chris W. Millinship:
Chris W. Millinship:
Now this is odd! I just looked at it agasin today and it`s at 94943! What`s happening here? is this so popular that it gets nearly 100 000 hits per day? Did it get featured on Slashdot and so many of them came here overnight that the counter rolled over just before I came, then kept on going?
Don`t mind me, I`m confused, and just trying to keep something happening on this board.......
Well Chris, since bulb discussion has been nil here lately I'll discuss the counter. The counter has "issues" so to speak and I've had problems with this one resetting back to zero on occasion. I just haven't had time to create an alternative. I reset the counter this morning to what I thought was a close approximation to where it was before it went on the fritz. Did the site get 100,000 hits overnight? Not bloodly likely! Light bulb collecting doesn't have that much mass appeal I'm afraid.
Kilokat's Antique Light Bulb Site
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