Welcome to the light bulb and tube collector boards! Please use these dedicated discussion boards to talk about collecting, history, or anything else dealing with old light bulbs and vacuum tubes. All
registered users are welcome to post and reply to messages. It's easy to
register and by doing so it will keep the spam messages out of here and will also give everyone a good idea of the number of collectors here with similar interests as you. Remember this is your community and everyone is welcome to post and reply to messages.
One of the nice features about this board is the ability to post pictures in your messages. A lot of collectors like to show off their prized items or just post a picture of something their seeking more information about. To add a graphic within your message, just encase the URL of the graphic image as shown in the following example (UBB Code is in

In the example above, the UBB Code automatically makes the graphic visible in your message. Note: the "http://" part of the URL is REQUIRED for the
