BULB DISCUSSION BOARDS > Antique Bulb Discussion

Dual Hairpin Filaments ?

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Bob Masters:
Can anyone tell me how many different kinds of Dual Hairpin Filament bulbs there are, and can anyone post pictures of some ?



quote:Originally posted by Bob Masters:
.....can anyone post pictures of some?

Here's some resistance bulbs, two with double hairpin filaments:


Bob Masters:
Thanks Tim !
There are more varieties and types of dual
filament lamps than I thought. I don't have any with in those types of bulbs !


No problem Bob....

Here's a couple more, not that old but still kinda interesting:



Bob Masters:
Those are interesting !

Hey, I nabbed another dual hairpin bulb
a few weeks back at a mall. Someone had it stuck it in the socket of a home-made Mason-Jar lamp. For $20 I got all of it. My Dear Sister ended up with the mason lamp, and I got another bulb for a decent price !



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