BULB BANTER > General Discussion

Old Flashlights

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Does anyone out there collect old flashlights? In junior high school, I had a couple that were probably from the '20's(found them in a house we'd moved into)I've since lost them,probably in a move somewhere,but occassionally you see them at flea markets and such,at what I feel is vastly inflated prices,but I could be wrong on that point. Just curious. Scott

Bob Masters:
From what I've seen there is quite a bit of interest in them. prices have skyrocketed in the last 10 years for them, and certain brands and models can fetch a considerable amount. Even I find them rather intersting.
Jeeze ! just what I need to do is start collecting something else ! Ha Ha Ha.........


The strangest flashlight I had was a pointer flashlight,used in pre-laser pointer days. The filament of the bulb was sideways,and in the shape of a "V",and the lens was focussable,projecting the image of the Vshaped filament on the slide sreen. Definitely a specialty bulb!

Earl Wildes:
I too got into flashlight collecting, but now I think I need to thin the collection.  Do you know of any kind of pricing guide available?

Bob Masters:
A short time ago I spotted an old three bulb flashlight selling on eBay. I missed it however (Zzzzzzz)  :-(  and I was wondering If they are really all that rare ?
Anybody else seen those things around ?


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