BULB BANTER > General Discussion

Radio Shack\

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One thing I've been looking for(unsuccessfully) for some time is one of those five-cell flashlights Radio Shack used to give away with a coupon back in the '70's. As I recall, they were gray plastic with a red lens ring,and had the words Radio Shack embossed into the plastic of the body. I have never seen one turn up at a yard sale, flea market, or Goodwill. I suppose,because they were so cheaply made, few have survived the test of time. Haven't even seen one on E-bay. I'd like to have one for my Shelf of Weird Things.

Chris W. Millinship:
Hi Scott,

You might like to visit http://www.candlepowerforums.com  and post a similar message there. It`s a very active forums site devoted to discussion of flashlights- new products, reviews, that sort of thing (it`s not a collectors site though). I`m sure there`s someone there who may have one for sale/trade/etc or know where to find one.

Hope this helps,



Hey Scott,

Ya I remember those exact flashlights and had several. I was a just a litte kid during that time and remember going through my phase of tearing stuff apart - anything remotely electrical that is - flashlights weren't even safe around me   Those cheasy flashlights are long gone now otherwise I'd be happy to donate them to your oddball collection.

Interesting flashlight forum you found Chris....


Hi Scott These flashlights also came to England and they still turn up in Bootsales here. only one problem they may well have the Tandy logo instead of r/s,which is the same firm. Funny enough today I picked up a very unusaul torch or flashlight which I think was used in diving activities It is made by Nemrod a Spanish company who I think made diving bits and pieces.As i have said before flea markets here bring forth many bits from around the world including the US and Australia. Scott has the bits arrived yet, though I think it may still be too soon. All for this time    Peter.

The stuff got here just fine. Thanks! Not a single 'casualty". A lot of stuff! I also spent a while reading the newspaper you used as padding. A Vauxhall Chevette? here, it was the Chevy Chevette(I had a '79). Many thanks for all the unusual things. Is that deep purple blacklight looking bulb 240 v? Again, thanks for all the stuff. Scott


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