BulbCollector Forums

BULB BANTER => General Discussion => Topic started by: rick on November 07, 2006, 07:34:09 pm

Title: Bulb Collecting
Post by: rick on November 07, 2006, 07:34:09 pm
Hello all,

I've been a pretty avid bulb collector for about 8 years or so now, and take it very seriously. I'm totally captivated by, among other things, how something so delicate could survive so long, and still work. I was wondering if any of the collectors who visit this forum, experience the same reaction from people that you attempt to share your interest in this great hobby with. Most of the reactions that I get are laughter. People think I'm nuts for collecting antique bulbs. My wife used to think that too, especially when she saw what I've paid for some of the earlier ones. I don't know if she just humors me now, or if she actually accepts it, but she doesn't comment anymore. Oh I've had a few friends think it was interesting, but most look at me funny. How about you folks? Do you get the same reaction? Is it just my circle of friends? I'd really be interested in your comments.

Title: Re: Bulb Collecting
Post by: Tim on November 12, 2006, 10:54:47 am
Great question, I'm surprised there hasn't been a reply from others.? I guess it's just the two of us here? :|

I suppose a lot of bulb collectors have had similar experiences when relating their hobby to others.? I have had the same reactions from other people, but that soon subsides after they see the collection in person and discover how unique each bulb is.? My wife, family, etc. are supportive and I guess that I am lucky in that respect.? At the same time, I don't expect other people to really understand or fully get my passion for this hobby either.? But yes, if I walk into an antique shop and tell them that I collect light bulbs then I usually get that same funny look until I explain the types of bulbs that I collect.

Title: Re: Bulb Collecting
Post by: PCris on November 12, 2006, 02:25:01 pm
Hi Rick,

I have been collecting antique bulbs for most of my life, and I too have experienced some of what you describe. Fortunately my wife has always enjoyed the fact that I get much pleasure out of this interest and has always supported and even encouraged my collecting interests. I do recall a Christmas party a few years ago at which someone asked me about my bulb collecting and I was greeted with several amused smiles and barely disguised laughter from a few of the guests. However, I think with there being so much interest in antiques of all kinds that more people are at least respectful and sometimes even interested in the subject when it comes up. And why not? Where would we be without the invention of the incandescent lamp? And the old bulbs provide an endless and fascinating variety of shapes, filament design, bases, stem presses, and so on, not to mention that the elegant shapes of some of the early ones are irresistible - they are handmade works of art. My church recently had a live auction, and I decided to auction off a private showing of my collection. I am delighted to tell you that several people were bidding on this, and it ended up going for $400! So, keep collecting proudly! And anyway, if you enjoy it, who cares what someone else thinks?
